Welcome to the Resouce Vault!

I will try my best to keep this updated, but on this page you will find key resources used on the show. If I'm missing anything, please hit me up. First off, here are the books that I've found most useful in producing the podcast and that I can reccomend.

101 BASIC Computer Games by David Ahl

    Take a break, have some fun!

16 Bit Microprocessors by Christopher Titus, Jonathoan Titus, Alan Baldwin, W. H. Hubin, and Leo Scanalon

    Period discussion of microprocessors, published just before the IBM PC was announced

Back to BASIC by John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz

    The definative history of BASIC, written by the language's creators

Computer Lib/Dream Machines by Ted Nelson

    A wild vision of the future, and Project Xanadu. Really hard to find a physical copy of...

How Not to Network a Nation by Benjamin Peters

    Covers attempts to create a largescale network in the USSR

iWoz by Steve Wozniak

    Autobiography of/by Wozniak. My go-to when discussing early Apple

Lions' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition by John Lions

    Contemporary analysis of the UNIX source code

Minitel: Welcome to the Internet by Julien Mailland and Kevin Driscoll

    History of the Minitel network in France

Open: How Compaq Ended IBM's PC Domination by Rod Canion

    History of Compaq, written by it's co-founder. Includes juicy details about the Compaq Portable and the first OEM DOS

Pieces of the Action by Vannevar Bush

    Autobiography of/by Bush. Gives good context for the Memex.

The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann by Herman Goldstine

    Goldstine was involved with the development of ENIAC, so this is a good 1st has account of parts of that project.

The Cryotron Files by Douglas Buck and Iain Dey

    Biography of Dudley Buck, and history of the Cryotron

The Devouring Fungus by Karla Jennings

    Anthology and discussion of computer folklore

The Dream Machine by M. Mitch Waldrop

    History of J.C.R. Licklider and projects he helped support, focuses on the path towards personal computing

The Friendly Orange Glow by Brian Dear

    THE comprehinsive histour of PLATO

The New Hacker's Dictionary by Compiled by Eric Raymond

    Print edition of the Jargon File